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时间: 俭聪2 暑假作业答案

  2. Cambodia's Duch is found guilty



  ①They are working hard.

  He is studying hard.

  The train arrives late.

  The plane flies quickly.

  The boy tried again and again.

  He tried again and again.

  ②We won the match.

  She passed the exam.

  The workers finished the work ahead of time.

  The students completed the exam ahead of time.

  I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.

  She forgot to buy the book last week.

  He stopped crying suddenly.

  They stopped fighting suddenly.

  ③My father gave me a new bicycle.

  My mother bought me a new dress.

  I'll buy you a car like that.

  My mother will give me a pen like that.

  ④He is a university student.

  She is a college student.

  The light is still on.

  The shop is still open.

  The match is exciting.

  The film is moving.

  ⑤I helped the boy find his mother.

  He helped me finish the work.

  They want me to become a teacher.

  My parents want me to became a doctor.

  I made it a rule to read English in the morning.

  I made it a rule to get up early in the morning.


  Despite the fact that…; not only…,

  2010-8-31 15:39回复




  By air 做飞机

  I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.

  • 2011-7-3 18:14

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  • 41位粉丝




  My Last School Trip(1)

  *I had a pleasant school trip last weekend.* I had been very excited for this trip. We have been to XXX. There was a play field. I played Merry-go-round, roller coaster and so on. I have eaten XXX.It tasted fabulous.

  I will remember this memory forever

  My Last School Trip(2)

  We have been to XXX. I was excited about it and planned a lot.Unfortunatly, there was a typhoon come to XXX, We should stay at the hotel. Watching the boring TV. The planning we had planned, has been canceled.

  *So we had a terrible school trip.*

  My Last School Trip(3)

  We have been to XXX. I was so pleased that I can't fall asleep the night before my lasy school trip. However, XXX was rainy. If it keep raining, we must stay at the hotel.But luckily, two hours later, the sun was shining. I could go out to play!

  I had a great fun in XXX


  Dear Li Hua:

  You've mentioned that you felt bad about telling lies. That means you understand your parents, it's really a good thing. Sometimes parents just figure that internet game is terrible, they just don't want their child spend all the time for games , not study. I think the most important thing you should do is make your parents know some advantages about internet games,such as it can make you relax after study ,things like that.By the way ,you should also ensure that you can make good use your time.








  ⑸看书、看电视或使用电脑1小时后要休息一下 远珧几分钟,这样有助于预防近视。请解释这样做的依据。







  (从南至北)依次经过江南河、刊沟、通济渠、永济渠 。







  秦 开边移民,修长城、直道和驰道

  西汉 武帝时三次击退匈奴,后来和匈奴和亲

  唐朝 设安西都护府、北庭都护府

  元朝 泱泱大蒙古国,边疆无事

  清 康熙时平定准葛尔的叛乱,乾隆时平定大小和卓叛乱,设立伊犁


  元 东北边疆十分辽阔,北至北海

  明 派重兵把守各个关口,与后金作斗争

  清 抗击沙俄的侵略,通过两次雅克萨之战沉重打击俄军,签订了《尼布楚条约》


  元 归中央宣政院兼管

  明 继续管理西藏...

  清 中央派驻藏大臣,直接监督西藏政务,与大赖班禅一起管理,并实行金瓶掣签制规范转世程序。