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时间: 如英2 高一英语


  1.“So + be/have/助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”的结构。

  例如 He’s tired,and so am I.(=I’ m also tired.)

  You can swim,and so can I.(=I can also swim.)

  She has had supper,and so can I.(=I’ve had lunch,too.)

  Tom speaks English,and so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English,too.)

  A: I went to the park yesterday.

  B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.)

  2.“So +主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序,so相当于indeed,certainly,表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。

  例如 A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。

  B:So it was.的确如此。(=Yes,it was.)

  A:You seem to like sports.

  B:So I do.(=Yes,I do.)

  A:It will be fine tomorrow.

  B:So it will.(=Yes ,it will.)

  3.“主语+do/does/did + so”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中do so代替上文中要求做的事,以免重复。

  My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed in

  my composition on time.) 语文老师叫我按时交作文, 我照办了。

  4.So it is with…或 It is the same with…句型表示 “……(的情况)也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用so 引起的倒装句。

  She doesn’t play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister.

  5、There you are. 行了,好。


  There you are! Then let's have some coffee.


  There you are! I knew we should find it at last.


  6、have some difficulty (in) doing sth.

  干某事有困难;接名词时,常用句型:have some difficulty with sth.

  ①Do you have any difficulty (in) understanding English?


  ②She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.


  7、have a good knowledge of sth.


  ①He has a good knowledge of London.


  ②A good knowledge of languages is always useful.

  8、Tree after tree went own, cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep.


  “must have + 过去分词”表示对已发生事情的猜测。在英语中,must,may,can三个情态动词可用来表示对事情的猜测。Must意为“肯定”,语气很有把握;may意为“可能”、“也许”,语气把握性不大。两者常用在肯定句中。Can意为“肯定”、“也许”,常用在否定句或疑问句中。Must,may,can三者用于表示猜测时,其后面可跟三种不同的动词形式:1)跟动词原形表示对现在事情的猜测;

  2)跟be doing表示对正在发生事情的猜测;3)跟have done表示对已经发生的事情的猜测。例如:

  Helen is Lucy’s good friend. She must know Lucy’s e-mail.海伦是露茜的好朋友。她肯定知道露茜的电子邮件。

  We can hear loud voices in the meeting room. They must be quarrelling.我们可以听到会议


  I met Jeff at the gate a moment ago. He can’t have gone to Australia.我刚才还在大门口见


  9、Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.魏彬拿出一些花生。看着猴子从他手上吃花生,很有趣。

  fun “好玩,趣事”,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词a。

  You’re sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 今天晚上你肯定会玩得很开心。

  make fun of“取笑”,“嘲弄”。People make fun of him only because he is wearing such a

  strange jacket.人们嘲笑他只是因为他穿了一件那么奇怪的衣服。

  funny adj. “可笑的,滑稽的”。He looks very funny in his father’s jacket.他穿着他父亲


  10、Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea……


  afraid 用法说明:

  1)害怕人/ 物,如:be afraid of *   / sth

  2)不敢做某事,如:be afraid to do sth / of doing sth

  He is afraid to go out / of going out alone at night.

  3) 担心会发生某事, 如: be afraid of doing sth或be afraid + that clause

  He seldom stands on the river bank because he is afraid of falling into the river.

  He seldom stands on the river bank because he is afraid that he might fall into the


  4) 给人不愉快的信息或不赞同某人意见时, 用I’m afraid …, 如:

  I’m afraid I’ve got bad news for you.

  I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.


  11、It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.把你盘子里所有东西吃完是有礼貌的。

  这是一个动词不定式作主语的句型,其中to finish eating everything 是主语,it是形式主语。

  12、I wish you all the best.我祝你万事如意.

  用wish来表示祝愿的结构是wish *   sth, 此外我们还可以用may来表示祝愿: May *   do sth如:

  May you succeed.

  13、Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。

  Where在这里引导的是地点状语从句,相当于介词in/ at/ to + the place + where从句9定语从句),意思是“在……地方”。 例如:

  Where there is smoke, there is fire.无风不起浪;事出有因。

  He lives where the climate is mild.他住在气候温暖的地方。

  14、Strong, proud, and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia .


  Strong, proud, and united为前置定语,在这里相当于一个非限制性定语从句:

  The people of St Petersburg , who are strong, proud, and united, are the modern heroes

  of Russia . 当主语比较短时,这类短语常常放在句首。

  15. Congratulations!是一句祝贺用语,在使用时要用复数形式。其他几个通常以复数形式出现表达特定含义的名词有:

  manners(礼貌):He is a little boy with good manners.这个小男孩很有礼貌。

  regards (问候):Please send my regards to your parents.请代我问候你父母。

  16. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.


  “every + 基数词 + 时间/ 距离单位”词表示“每多少时间/ 距离”。如:

  every five days(每五天), every three hours(每三小时), every ten metres(每十公尺)

  类似表达形式还有:every fifth day, every third hour

  “每隔一天”的表达形式有:every second day, every two days, every other day.

  17、Modern cellphones are more than just phones—they are used as cameras and radios, and

  to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代的手机不仅仅是电话机—它们也当坐照相机和收音机使用,还可以发送电子邮件和上网。

  use A as B 把A用作B。例如:

  In ancient times, people used stones as tools for farming.在古代,人们把石头用作耕作的


  use sth to do sth用某物来做某事。例如:

  In ancient times, people used stones to kill animals for food.


  18、The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no

  matter where we are or what we are doing.答案似乎是:无论我们在何处或正在做什么,我们都需要和朋友以及家人一直保持联系。

  1) seem 似乎,好像,其用法及搭配有:

  seem + adj., 如:

  This problem seems complicated, but actually it is simple.


  seem to do

  I seem to have seen him somewhere before.我好像以前在哪儿见过他。

  It seems that…,

  It seems that everything is going on well.好像一切正常。

  It seems as if…,

  It seems as if it’s going to rain.看来快要下雨了。

  2) no matter无论,不管,后面常跟疑问词引导的从句,其意相当于疑问词后加ever。如 no matter what=whatever; no matter where=wherever; no matter how=however; no matter when=whenever例如:

  No matter when (Whenever) I meet him, he is always wearing that old hat.


  No matter how (However) expensive the cellphone is, I’ll buy it because I need one badly.





  1. 直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。

  eg: “I broke your CD player.” (一般过去时改成过去完成时)

  He told me he had broken my CD player.

  Jenny said, “I have lost a book.”


  Jenny said she had lost a book.

  Mum said, “I’ll go to see a friend.”


  Mum said she would go to see a friend.


  He said, “We hadn’t finished our homework.”

  He said they hadn’t finished their homework.

  注意 直接引语是客观真理,过去进行时,时态不变。

  2. 在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语时第一人称或被第一人称所修饰,从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化。如:

  Mary said, “My brother is an engineer.”

  Mary said her brother was and engineer.

  3. 直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句。如:

  He said, “Can you run, Mike?”

  He asked Mike whether/if he could run.

  4. 直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg等) *   (not) to do sth.”句型。如:

  “Pass me the water, please.”said he.

  He asked him to pass her the water.

  5. 直接引语如果是以“Let’s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句”的结构。如:

  She said, “Let’s go to the cinema.”

  She suggested going to the cinema.

  或She suggested that they should go to the cinema.


  现在进行时表将来的动作,谓语通常为瞬间动词。如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get等。这些动词的进行时后不能再接具体的时间。


  (2)现在进行时表示将来与表示正在进行的动作的区别在于:前者通常用瞬间动词(有时一些常用动词也可以这样用如:do)如:go, come, start, return, get, arrive等。而后者通常是持续性动词。

  He is reading a novel.


  The train is arriving soon.




  What are you doing next Friday?


  The plane takes off at 7:30 tonight.


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